Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!

MMMMMMmmmmm.... That was yummy. Twice baked potatoes with Omaha steak and some veggies. YUMMY!!!! How was your mother's day?

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I don't know what to blog about....maybe I'll have to make a movie one day. I don't think it'll be as good as Flint's though. Oh well. Maybe he'll give me some ideas. My favorite scene in that movie is the car was so much fun to tape. As funny as it is watching it, it's even more funny actually doing it. It's nice to be evil every once in a while. Especially when you get to hurt someone. Which I did alot on accident. Sorry Flint I really didn't mean it...well maybe I did. Oh well. Have to talk to you later. See ya!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Charity and Bonnie ~ Secret hand shake

Go there. To Charity and Bonnie...with sound effects and one comment provided by Flint...

~ Bonnie {Chair couldn't get it to work}

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Best Picture Ever!!

This is a pretty cool's also pretty cool...because I took it.

Yes that is my bro.....funny looking right? No he's not. I was just kidding. He's cool. But yes I did take that with my new camera!!!! YEA!!!! I FINALLY GOT IT!!! So yes my Sunday was filled with lots of taking pictures. Totally fun. Now I can post pictures! That's about it...I can post more later..Gotta jet!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Good Saturday.

Today was really good. I got my digital camera!!!!!! SOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! I promise I will take lots of pictures. Here's a little video of me and my sister. It was alot of fun playing with that thing.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Good Things That Happen When You Don't Weed Your Flower Bed

Wow that was a long title. Sorry, anyhoo my family kinda has an overun flower bed next to our drive way. Last Sunday we discovered something super cool!! There were dew berries growing in our the flower bed!!! WOOOOOO!!!! Finally something that we kinda grew that actually tasted decently good. Not that veggies don't taste good but they don't have that sweet flavor. Now don't ask me how this happened. I kinda have an idea of how it actually started growing but it kinda makes me want to throw up the dew berries I ate. One time (this is crazy) I saw a cactus growing in a tree. How it got there is pretty much the same principle as in this instance. Figure out how the cactus got up there, figure out how the dew berries got into our flower bed. The tree is a big clue. Well sorta. Anyway, here's our harvest. (In case you haven't noticed it's above, sorry couldn't figure out that picture thing.) Ten bonus points to whoever guesses how they got there. Later!,

P.S. Bonus points aren't redemable for cash or any cool stuff like that. Sorry, life's not fair.
SO GET OVER IT!!! Ha ha just kiddin'. Have fun trying to guess.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yes There is a Skeptic

Not mentioning any names *cough* Bonnie *cough cough* But some people wonder how long I can keep my camera once I get it. Yes there was an incident with my other camera but I was 10 and who knew it was going to rain!!! Yea so I left it in my fort and it rained. Big deal, this camera is more expensive and I will totally take better care of it. You can trust me. Just take a train to happy town. Sorry I just saw that Geico commercial. Whoo whoo. Whoo whoo. Anyhoo I'm not gonna let anything ANYTHING happen to my Ha ha has anybody seen that big kid and the throne of destiny commercial. He he ok that's it I'll stop now. No I won't leave it next to the stove so that it would melt. Just kidding that never happened and it won't happen. Soo..............does anybody have school out tommorow?? Well that's it folks. Talk to y'all later!