Friday, December 28, 2007

Disney World: MGM (Part III)

After getting up and taking a boat to MGM we start our day in the Great Movie ride. I get handed this little red tag thing. It tells how long the wait is. Pretty cool. This ride is a good ride to start your day in MGM. I would not reccomend the Tower of Terror, after eating breakfast it's not the greatest ride to ride. The lines may not be long but do you really want to test your stomach?? We fast passed the Tower of Terror and the Rockin' Roller Coaster. Then we went and walked around. We went to see Walt Disney: One Man's Dream. We didn't actually see the movie but we walked around the building. It was really amazing. Walt Disney was a creative man. Then we went to the Chronicles of Narnia. We got to see the movie set stuff and walk through the wardrobe but all it was was movie promotion. A bit of a waste of time. But we had time to kill waiting for our fastpasses to start. After that we headed to the Tower of Terror. I was terrified. It doesn't help that the wait is worse than the ride. They hype you up good before you get on the ride. When they closed the doors I wanted to get out. It was the greatest ride ever!! All the sudden you start moving forward. I was like why aren't we going up and down?? And then it started. It really wasn't that bad. It was just scary enough, yet not too scary. After that we went to the Rockin' Rollercoaster. I chickened out. Yes I am a wimp but the Tower of Terror was enough for me. My brother said it was soooo cool. After that we walked around. I forgot to tell ya'll about Rosie. She is part of the street entertainment. She has alot of lipstick on AND she gave me a kiss. I have pictures. She was hilarious. Also these guys, the Public Works guys, they were really funny too. We walked around for a little bit. We went to Star Tours and the Muppets 3D. They were really good. I love Star Tours. It was like a really turbulent plane ride. I was actually thinking that on the flight back. Muppets 3D is always good. It's really funny I always like 3D stuff. We didn't see any of the Indian Jones stuff or Lights Motor Action stuff, we just didn't want to. We had an early dinner. EARLY like 3 or something close to that, at the Hollywood and Vine. A pretty good buffet. One reason to eat there is they give you special seating to Fantasmic! After eating there we hung out for a little bit and then went to see Fantasmic! It was really good. A little loud but it was pretty cool. After that we went and saw the Osbourne Festival of Lights. Not Ozzy Osbourne, a family from Little Rock, Arkanas. Their neighbors sued them for all the lights they put up. I mean this was overpowering!!! Everything was blinking in sync with the music. There were hidden mickeys everywhere. My brother and I just had fun try to find all of them. Since there were alot of people and everybody's feet hurt we left pretty quickly. We had alot of fun at that park. The only bad thing is that they only have about 3 pretty big rides. It was fun all the same though. STILL MORE to come!
Sugar Pea


Hannah Banana said...

FUUUN! That's sweet! {I left a better comment on your xanga...}

Sam Wick said...

MGM IS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hannah Banana said...

I think I'm coming tonight.

Sam Wick said...

C. You need to post. NO OFFENCE, but you kinda do. MGM was so cool. I love the Hollywood theme. I also like how it has stuff for some of my favorite movies: Indiana Jones and Star Wars. The Tower of Terror was so fun! I'm gonna try to open my eyes next time! Great movie ride is the best! The festavel sounds fun.

Hannah Banana said...

Heehee, yeah, opening your eyes is kinda fun because you can see how far you fall...and...stuff... Yes, Charity: PLEASE POOOOSSSTTT!!!!!!!

Sam Wick said...

Like the new picture? ->